Shipping Information - General


Please note that we do not offer winding service for our skeins.

Veuillez noter que nous n'offrons pas de service de bobinage pour nos écheveaux.

Flat-Rate Shipping:
La Bien Aimée offers flat-rate shipping for international orders. It is up to our discretion to ship orders within the closest price to the flat rate, whether with UPS or Colissimo (La Poste). Shipping duration varies between Colissimo and UPS. UPS may arrive within 3-5 days and Colissimo may take up to 3 weeks.
Countries that we do not offer international flat-rate shipping are Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Shipping with UPS:
We use UPS as our private shipping service. UPS requires a physical address to make deliveries. If we are given a Postal Box/Locker we will ship using Colissimo. 
Shipping with Colissimo Domicile or Point retrait: (français plus bas)
If your order is sent by Colissimo, or if you choose Colissimo (Domicile or Point Retrait) and you have not collected your parcel, it will be returned to us, and we will contact you once the parcel has been received.
In the event of a parcel not delivered/damaged or being declared lost, a claim must be made by the customer to Colissimo in order to obtain a full refund.
A claim made by La Bien Aimée is not obligatory or automatic and will only cover 70% of the value of the lost goods, whereas it will reach 100% if made by the end customer.
If a package is returned/refused, without tracking number and validation from us by email, there will be extra fees that will be deducted on the refund.
Si votre commande est envoyée par Colissimo, ou que vous choisissez Colissimo (Domicile ou Point Retrait) et que vous n'avez pas récupéré votre colis, il nous sera retourné, nous vous contacterons alors une fois le colis reçu.
En cas de colis non livré/ endommagé ou déclaré perdu, une réclamation devra être effectué par le client auprès de Colissimo afin d'obtenir un remboursement complet.
Une réclamation effectuée par La Bien Aimée n'est pas obligatoire ou automatique et ne couvrira que 70% du montant des marchandises perdues, alors qu'elle atteindra 100% si effectuée par le client.
Si un colis est retourné/refusé, sans numéro de suivi et sans validation de notre part par e-mail, des frais supplémentaires seront déduits du remboursement.

SHIPPING DELAYS (français plus bas)

All orders will ship in 5-7 business day after they are placed. Our shipping days are Monday-Thursday, excluding national holidays. 

During our promotion periods we require 14 - 21 business days (not including weekends and holidays) to prepare and ship orders due to the large number amount of orders. If you would like to know where your order is in the queue, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

Once your package is shipped and taken in charge by the carrier, he is not longer in charge of La Bien Aimée and is the responsibility of the customer. 
Toutes les commandes sont expédiées dans les 5 à 7 jours ouvrables suivant leur confirmation. Nos jours d'expédition sont du lundi au jeudi, à l'exception des jours fériés et fermetures.

Pendant nos périodes de promotions, nous avons besoin de 14 à 21 jours ouvrables (week-ends et jours fériés non inclus) pour préparer et expédier les commandes en raison du grand nombre de commandes. Si vous souhaitez savoir où en est votre commande dans la file d'attente, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un email à l'adresse [email protected].

Une fois votre colis expédié et pris en charge par le transporteur, celui-ci n'est plus en charge de La Bien Aimée et est sous la responsabilité du client.


La Bien Aimée is located in France/European Union (EU). Any orders that are placed from outside the EU are subject to customs fees based on the shipping address given at the time of purchase. Each country/state has its own regulations and rates for items being imported from the EU. UPS and the Postal Service will collect these fees on behalf of the country of importation. It is the responsibility of the customer to be aware of possible customs charges when making a purchase. 
Please note that a refusal of a customs fee payment will warrant the order being returned to us, at our expense. If you wish to receive a refund of a refused order, the return charges will be deducted from your refund. 


We currently ship all over the world. However, sometimes there is an issue during the checkout process. If there is no shipping option available when placing your order or you see this message:

you may not be meeting the minimum purchase requirement for shipping to your country. The minimum purchase outside of France is 27€ (except for the UK). The minimum purchase to qualify for international flat-rate shipping is 60€. 

If the problem persists, please email us at [email protected]

For information on purchases shipping to the UK, please click here.


When an item is listed as "Pre-Order" it will not ship immediately; the release date will be given on the product page. Regardless of the purchase date, all pre-order items will ship on the release date. If you have placed an order with other items, those will ship at the same time as the pre-ordered item.